anderson security
Anderson Security takes an aggressive approach to training. Training begins at the time of hire and continues throughout an individual’s employment. Anderson Security provides training through the Anderson Security Academy. In every class, officers are taught the basic concepts of professional and courteous service, which create the “Anderson Difference”.

The following topics are required in the eight-hour AZDPS class.
These classes are offered throughout the year.
Criminal Law/Laws of Arrest (Legal Authority)
Uniform and Grooming
Use of Force/Levels of Force
General Security Guard Procedures
Crime Scene Preservation/First Response
First Response
Safety – Officer, Public and Client’s property
Fire Prevention
Search and Seizure per A.R.S.
Laws of Arrest per A.R.S.
Criminal Law
In addition to the required AZDPS training,
We also offer the following advanced courses:
First Aid/CPR/AED
O.C. (Pepper Spray) Certification
Handcuffing Certification
Advanced Security Program
Effective Supervision Course
Personal/Self Protection Course
Introduction to Armed Security
Dealing with the Transient Population
Workplace Violence Mitigation
40-hour Armed Program
Weaponless Self-Defense
Defensive Driving Certification
Report Writing Course
Verbal De-escalation
Customer Service Practices
NRA Basic Pistol Certification
CCW Certification
Active Shooter/Extreme Violence Response